Wednesday, October 7, 2009

NAS Attacked by CNN, in lieu of Positivity

So Why is it EVERY TIME something negative happens.. with violence, a Rapper attempts to do something positive and Media outlets use it as a Chance to PROVE that RAP has destroyed our youth, when its been being Corrupted and Abused since the creation of this country and the Induction of Drugs in our community (via CIA site). Nas is one of my Favorite Artist of all time, from "New York State of mind" to "One Mic", "doo rags" , "Dreaming", "Thats what they want" and "NAs is like." An artist of many talents, so enters THIS video. Cnn hankerchief head Attempts to find a NAS song I"VE NEVER HEARD, that WAS NOWHERE NEAR POPULAR, but HANDS DOWN HIS MOST VIOLENT. The reason this is important because This Particular song (i'd say) is nowhere in the Vain of his Music as a whole, the only song I've heard like this really. So the MEDIA takes its grand opportunity to try to Paint this Picture of him for Viewers who may not Know him to TRY to establish some form of Hypocracy in what he says, and Contradiction. THE MEDIA always has this NEGATIVE agenda Against these RAP artist anytime they SPEAK out. So I'm HERE to tell YOU don't believe the HYPE, he made that song TRUE, but 98% of this Artist music has been positive, Uplifting and down right though provoking, so DAMN the Hankerchief head on this show who tried to tear the man down when speaking about the CHICAGO Tragedy.

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